domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Names of girls with the letter C

1) Caitlin:
it Is of origin *irland�*s and means Pura.

2) *Cal�*ope:
it Comes from of the *girego and means beautiful voice.

3) *Calipso:
The one who distracts.

4) Camelia:
Cup. Flor *tra�gives of the Philippines.

5) Cameron:
it Is of origin *escoc�*s and means wry nose.

6) Camila:
Amada, estimated

7) Candela:
Variant of Candelaria

8) Candelaria:
The one who *resplandece

9) Candice:
Name and *t�*tulo that gave him to the queens of Scotland. It meant luminous.

10) C�*ndida:
Purity that burns

11) Canela:
Name of a plant *arom�*tica

12) Caridad:
Love, affection to the *dem�*s

13) Carina:
Pura, innocent, has big esteem

14) Carla:

15) Carlota:

16) Carmela:
I Saw�to, pendant of grapes

17) Carmen:
*Canci�@n, poem. Cultured field

18) Carola:
it Wants to say *viril, very intelligent.

19) Carolina:
Relative to the *viril

20) Carrie:
it Comes of the name *carolina.

21) Casandra:
That protects to all the men

22) Casia:
it comes from of the roman name *Cassius: *yelmo.

23) Catalina:

24) *Catrina:
Variant of *catalina.

25) Cayetana:
Ace� them *decia to the inhabitants of the *Gaeta.

26) Cecilia:

27) Celestial:
Inhabitant of the sky

28) Celestina:
Of the sky

29) Celia:
*Caida of the sky

30) Celina:
Like the sky

31) *Chanel:
it Comes from of the *ingl�*s and means Channel.

32) Charlotte:
it Is a variant of the name Carlota. *Originario Of France.

33) Chelsea:
it Can interpret like port mar.

34) *Chenoa:
Name of the Indians of *norteamerica that means white pigeon.

35) Cheyanne:
Delivered to the nature.

36) *ciara:
Variant of Clara: clear illustrate.

37) *Cicely:
Variant of *cecily mean September.

38) *Cinderella:
Of the childish tale *Cenicienta.

39) Cindy:
Variant of Cintia.

40) Cinthia:
Variant of Cintia

41) Cintia:
Of *Kinthos

42) *Cirenia:
it Derives of *Kyrenaia a Greek city.

43) *Ciria:
it Means �*or.

44) *Cirila:
*Cirila or *Cirilla come from of the name *Ciria.

45) Clara:
*Diafana, golden

46) *Clarabella:
Composed of Clara and Bella

47) *Claribel:
Variant of *Clarabella

48) Clarisa:
Variant of Clara

49) Claudia:
Lame, that *renguea.

50) *Claudina:
*Diminutivo of Claudia

51) Clemency:
The one who balances the rigours

52) *Clementina:
of the *lat�@n *Clemens. It means *clemente good.<*br>

53) *Cleopatra:
it Is glory of his ancestors

54) *Cl�or:
Famous, C�*lebre

55) *Cloe:
Greek Name that means green grass,

56) Clotilde:
Guerrero glorious

57) *Columba:

58) *Concepci�@n:
The one who engenders

59) *Connie:
Equivalent to Constanza and means firmness of *car�*cter.

60) Constanza:
The one who belongs

61) Constanza:
Derived of *Consancia.

62) Consuelo:
Guess with, or suffer with

63) Cora:
virgin Girl, *doncella

64) Choral:
it Does reference to *nuetsra �*ora of the coral.

65) *Cori:

66) *Corina:
Derived of Cora

67) *Corina:
it Means *Doncella or girl.

68) *Cornelia:
Has all what wish.

69) Courtney:

70) *Covadonga:
Asturian. Cave.

71) Cristal:
Of the Greek. The *unguido.

72) Christian:
That *pertece to the *religi�@n of *jesucristo.

73) Cristina:
Follower of Christ

74) Cruz:
it Remembers the *Crucifixi�@n of Christ


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